Sat, Jul 13, 2024

Gilmore DeutscheMarques Auto Show Road Trip

Gilmore Auto Museum

About this event

DeutscheMarques set a record of 586 cars on display in 2023, making it largest all-German car show in America.  They hope to break that record again this year.  The show takes place on the Campania Barn Lawn of the Gilmore Car Museum in Hickory Corners, MI (about a 3.5 hr drive from suburban Chicago). It features all of your favorite German marques and everything from daily drivers to weekend treasures, including Audi, BMW, Porsche, Mercedes-Benz, and Volkswagen.


Join us for our group drive and rendezvous with the Audi Club Michigan chapter. We are planning two group drives.  The show opens at 9 am eastern, and ends at 3pm. If you intend to display your car within the show, plan on getting up early. We will determine a meeting point, meet at about 6 am central and caravan to Hickory Corners, MI. It is suggested you register and buy your ticket early. Ticket Link Just want to be a spectator? The second group will leave at a more reasonable hour and also caravan to Hickory Corners, MI. Please note, if you want to display your car and are in the second group, parking is limited, and you may not be able to enter the lawn display area.  There is however, plenty of spectator parking.

We will reach out to the registrants closer to the event and determine the best meet up locations.

Event requirements

Please notify us how many cars you will be bringing and the number of participants for the event.

While this event is open to members only due to the Wheels in Motion drive to the event.  Please support your local chapter and national club of enthusiasts for the Audi brand and become a member or renew today!

To join/renew:

Gilmore Auto Museum

Hickory Corners, MI


Car Show/Concours organized by

Audi Club NA - Chicagoland Chapter

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Event over!